Type alias UseTableOptions<D>

UseTableOptions<D>: { columns: ReadonlyArray<Column<D>>; data: readonly D[] } & Partial<{ autoResetHiddenColumns: boolean; defaultColumn: Partial<Column<D>>; getRowId: ((originalRow: D, relativeIndex: number, parent?: Row<D>) => string); getSubRows: ((originalRow: D, relativeIndex: number) => D[]); initialState: Partial<TableState<D>>; stateReducer: ((newState: TableState<D>, action: ActionType, previousState: TableState<D>, instance?: TableInstance<D>) => TableState<D>); useControlledState: ((state: TableState<D>, meta: Meta<D>) => TableState<D>) }>

NOTE: To use custom options, use "Interface Merging" to add the custom options

Type Parameters

Type Parameters

  • D extends object

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